To my delight, my mother-in-law graciously invited me to tag-along her already organized weekly hikes with a small group of friends. Thus far I have been up Days Fork, Red Pine Lake, Cecret Lake, and yesterday explored the beginnings of Timpooneke Trail--the summit of which is Timpanogos. I remembered to bring my camera and was able to capture the very beginnings of autumn.

Early on in the hike I noticed twin falls way up in the distance. The falls were also visible in the photograph above, however, if you don't know exatly what you're looking for, you'll miss it.

I found myself pondering over human's nature--both physical and spiritual--to be drawn toward water and light.

Exquisite white-colored berries, my favorite find

Just when the sun was peaking over the mountain

We crossed over several small waterfalls along the way

We did some exploring after encountering a sign for Scout Falls

Look close, you can see Michelle walking alongside the cliff

The view from the falls was, well, literally breathtaking