is my older sister's blog. She lives on the Isle of Anglesey, a part of Wales, England. She has 3 adorable little boys and now a brand new little girl. I have been over to visit her twice in the last 3 years, but that is not near frequent enough! I love going online to read her narratives and see the photographs of my little nephews growing up. She is an amazing mother and sister! is one of my mission companion's blogs. We were a dynamite pair as missionaries, but since our days in El Salvador, we have never lived in the same state. When she was in Utah, I was in San Francisco; when I was in New Jersey, she was in Houston; and now that I am in Utah, she will be heading to another state for her husband's medical residency. I am thankful that I can still partake in some of her life's daily adventures through her blog. is my old roomate's blog. We lived in the same household on Treasure Island, San Francisco. But she recently moved to Italy, where she is teaching English and discovering life abroad. I love seeing the beautiful pictures of Florence and the surrounding area; traveling vicariously! Thanks Liz! is the blog for an aquaintance/friend I met while living in San Francisco. Several years ago she married, moved to the Salt Lake City area, and began living her dream. Her blog tracks her life, her lifestyle, as well as many useful tips and fun giveaways for a healthy and self-sufficient lifestyle. This week's giveaway is DoTerra's Dr. Mom Essential Oils Kit. The following link will take you into her world: