December 30, 2010. Snowville, Utah. We drove back to Utah today in the middle of a snow storm. When the storm cleared, I caught these pictures of the sun set.
December 28, 2010. Wendell, Idaho. My sister got a Wii for Christmas. Her siblings have gotten more play time than she has so far...when they play in groups we hear them laughing for hours on end.
December 27, 2010. Wendell, Idaho. Dave is brilliant, excels at practically everything he tries. This puzzle was no different. We finished it in approximately 10 hours; had Dave not been there it would have been triple that.
December 26, 2010. Wendell, Idaho. The King Family sang Away In A Manger in Sacrament Meeting today. There were 8 of us who sang today...including JiYeong, the foreign exchange student from South Korea.
December 25, 2010. Wendell, Idaho. We spent the morning as a family, next to a warm fire, unwrapping gifts. There were clothes, games, and even the gift of manual labor for Shelli and her new home. We missed you Sherm and Jana!
December 23, 2010. Twin Falls, Idaho. The Magic Valley Shopping Mall is directly opposite the Perrine Bridge spanning the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls. I spent way too much time today doing last-minute shopping at the mall with my mom and my sister. Being Santa's Elf is a whole lot of work!
December 19, 2010. Orem, Utah. We invited some nice people over for dinner tonight. Had a great time and they introduced us to the game Qwirkle. Yippee!
December 17, 2010. Salt Lake City, Utah. A new Christmas tradition for the Woods, Dave and I joined his parents for the Lunch Buffet at the Garden Cafe of the Grand America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake. I also captured some fun pictures of the fabulous window display competition. Poor GingerMan.
December 15, 2010. Provo, Utah. I have fond memories of Mother's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, so I thought I would try some of my own for dinner tonight. Thanks for the recipe Mom!
December 14, 2010. Provo, Utah. Today I went with Dave to his final class in Third World Development. His group did a presentation on their project for Jordan. We are now looking for recruits. Any one interested in journeying to Jordan in the Spring and be a part of the creation of a Non-Governmental Organization that will truly make a difference? NGOs are defined by the World Bank as "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake community development". Yes...very cool.
December 13, 2010. Provo, Utah. I have been attempting to work with my brother and his company on a local project...but it looks like the funding for the project won't be coming through until April. In the should check out his website at He's the best in the business if you're looking for someone to either build you a new home or do work, paint, finish carpentry on an existing home.
December 12, 2010. South Jordan, Utah. This evening we enjoyed a Christmas exchange with Dave's father and his wife and also with Grandma Mari Lou. The evening could not have been more perfect. A fabulous dinner, homemade raspberry cheesecake for dessert, a little Christmas caroling, and of course the exchange of gifts. The highlight of the night, however, was when Dave's father pulled out his guitar and serenaded us all. Acoustical guitar just might be my most favorite sound in all the world.
December 11, 2010. South Jordan, Utah. One of the benefits of living in Utah is the Wood Family Christmas Meat Pie Tradition; a savory recipe handed down from Dave's grandmother's mother. The pie is made from pork, potatoes, onion, salt, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. It will be served for breakfast on Christmas morning with fresh cranberries. I am excited to pass the tradition on down the Wood Family line.
December 10, 2010. Orem, Utah. It takes me several days to make these whole wheat rolls using the delayed fermentation method. Still trying to decide if it's worth it!? These are for Sunday dinner.
December 9, 2010. Salt Lake City, UT. I met today for the first time with a representative of the Utah Style & Design Magazine, working to get Lela's home published.
December 7, 2010. Provo, Utah. In commemoration of completing my 32nd year on planet earth, my mother and I pampered ourselves with manicures. Woo-Hoo! Can you believe that it was her first?!
December 6, 2010. Salt Lake City, Utah. Tonight Dave and I accompanied his parents to a Christmas Concert with the Utah Chamber Artists in the Libby Gardner Concert Hall. The performance, directed by Barlow Bradford, was divine.
December 3, 2010. Salt Lake City, Utah. I suppose it's acceptable if you don't get as excited as I did about finding this fabulous "Hair On Hide" leather at a great price. Can't wait to turn it into two extraordinary upholstered benches.
December 2, 2010. Provo, Utah. Dave is planning a trip to Jordan in the spring. No, not South Jordan, not to see Michael Jordan...but to visit Jordan, the country in the Middle East bordering Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel & Syria. It will be part of an international business effort aimed at Third World Development. Yes, very cool. And there just may be a chance that I can go too.
December 1, 2010. South Jordan, Utah. Organizing the new computer...filing photos, etc. Found this great one from a month or so back. I love this picture of Dave and his dad.