March 31, 2011. Riverton, UT. Before 'work' today I went to Lela's and oversaw the installation of draperies for her sitting room. We're nearly time we will paint the walls, replace the mauve carpet, and deliver the ottomans.
March 30, 2011. Provo, Utah. This week Zaytoon got some good press in the Daily Universe on BYU campus. Lately I've been attending weekly Cultural Trainings in preparation for the trip. Did you know that it's extremely offensive to show a Jordanian the bottom of your shoe?
March 29, 2011. Orem, Utah. I am going to enter a race this it's just a matter of determining when, where, and distance. I might try for the St. George Half Marathon; entry cap is limited to 7400 runners however. Dang.
March 28, 2011. Orem, Utah. This evening I re-connected with a family that I met in Ahuachapan, El Salvador more than 8 years ago as a missionary for the church. I spent a lot of time with this family and introduced them to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. The oldest son recently returned from a mission of his own. Thanks to Facebook we all "chatted" online for several hours. It was beyond cool reminiscing the happy days I spent in their beautiful country.
March 27, 2011. Orem, Utah. Dave is the chorister for our ward choir...a challenge that he sometimes absolutely loves, other times not so much. It has certainly been a challenge getting people to come to practice on a consistent basis. This is the song we are preparing for Easter. Listen here for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing "As The Bridegroom To His Chosen." Now if only Dave can get our small ward choir to sound so angelic...a task I'm convinced only he could do.
March 25, 2011. Provo, Utah. My day off. I went up to campus with Dave to see Mark Zuckerberg talk to his largest audience yet. My favorite quote of the day, "Love and believe in what you're doing." Oh yeah, Senator Orrin Hatch was also there.
March 24, 2011. Sandy, Utah. Can't help myself. When I see cool old homes I just have to stop and take a picture. In addition to having two fireplaces, this home also has a greenhouse attached at the opposite facade. Neat.
March 14, 2011. Highland, Utah. I picked up a new client for my freelance work; offering consultation services for the selection of paint colors and interior finishes. This will soon be an office for Millward Insurance Agency.
March 12, 2011. Sandy, Utah. The Cabinet Gallery spent a whole lot of time and effort installing this kitchen for the Home & Garden Expo in Sandy. I put in several long days over the weekend.
March 10, 2011. Draper, Utah. Still working with what seems like an infinite number of clients. Bidding, bidding, bidding. I did however sell another big job. Hip-hip hooray! They will be getting a new kitchen as well as this new fireplace surround.
March 8, 2011. Orem, Utah. I didn't want to break the big news (about gender) to Dave over the phone--certainly not via text message or email (our typical correspondence throughout a work day). Instead I selfishly made him wait all the day long, then gave him a small gift to unwrap when I got home. Inside was this darling pink onesie; inscribed, "My Heart Belongs to Daddy." Ahhhhh
March 7, 2011. Riverton, Utah. I had the incredible privilege to accompany our Angel Mother to her ultrasound today. The most awesome part was witnessing that fast little heart beat just pumping and pumping. Nearly took my breath away. Oh yeah...and..It's A...
March 5, 2011. Wendell, Idaho. Living somewhat close to home, I try to make it to my parents to spend time with them on their birthdays. Yesterday was Mom's birthday; so Dave and I are here doing our best to give advice on how to prune an apple tree (something we've never done before).
March 3, 2011. Orem, Utah. Skyline views of the Jordanian city of Amman. We booked our flights late last night. Dave will be going for 7 weeks in the Spring, and I for 3 weeks. There's no turning back now. This is getting exciting!
March 2, 2011. Provo, Utah. I stole this image from the internet. I left work in time to make it to the BYU vs. New Mexico Men's Basketball game an hour early...assuming that would be enough time to get a decent seat. I was wrong. Dave and I were turned away at the door...All Sports Section already full for the night. Instead we watched the game on campus in a classroom. Turns out we weren't the only ones who didn't turn out for the game. BYU loses 64-82. Many more games like this and I'll end up with high blood pressure.
March 1, 2011. Orem, Utah. During my morning commute I often listen to discourses given by one of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church. This morning I listened to one I go back to frequently--by President Monson. His talk "Finding Joy in the Journey" is packed with tidbits of wisdom. "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." This advice helps to anchor the compass with which I direct my life.