May 29, 2013. San Jose, California. It's that time of year start thinking about and planning Craft Day 2013 for my local relief society. The big day isn't until October, but I like to get a head start to keep from being overwhelmed at the last minute. Click Here to see some of the ideas I've compiled.
May 27, 2013. San Jose, California. Last minute, Dave and I decided to host a Memorial Day BBQ and talked 32 of our closest friends into joining us...and so glad we did.
May 25, 2013. Mountain View, California. Urgent Care is not where we originally planned to spend our Saturday evening, but we broke down and went after three days of fevers spiking to 105. Today I am extraordinarily thankful for doctors who work on holiday weekends and for pharmacies that are also open on holiday weekends so that my baby with an ear infection can receive the healing she needs; a fact, I realize, I take for granted.
May 24, 2013. San Jose, California. I still need to tweak the netting and I may have to replace the felt buttons for real ones at the flowers...but I'm really pleased with how this page is turning out. I'm back on task because I've made a goal to finish all eight pages before Hazel's second birthday (in August.)
May 22, 2013. San Jose, California. I've tried doing my professional design work from home with little Hazel running around hours and days at a time while I draft at the computer before a deadline, and have been consistently dissatisfied with the effect on mine and Hazel's relationship. Consequently, I've determined that it's better for Hazel to spend a day or two a week with a friend while I work from home before a deadline. Today was one of those days and I am very happy with the results of our decision. Now, Hazel has a fun and productive day playing with friends at the park or attending Music Makers while I'm in my zone. Then, when I'm with her--I can really be with her.
May 18, 2013. San Jose, California. It was a whole lot of work preparing this little plot of land for our very first garden. If nothing grows I will be very, very sad. We planted cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, green onions, basil, cilantro, green salad mix, yellow onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini. (That was after starting the seeds indoors, cleaning out the cat litter, removing the crabgrass, digging a trench and laying the brick, breaking up the soil, mixing in compost and potting soil, and making water troughs.)
May 16, 2013. San Jose, California. I've spent so much time in the last two weeks focusing on this house, people outside this house, preparing to host book club, planning Dave's birthday, etc., etc. that Hazel has been left to her own devices on many occasions. So today I just focused on her...all day long. We built towers out of mega blocks, played house with her baby dolls, gave her pushes in her new swing, had a shapes and colors lesson using chalk on the back patio, and studied her ABC's. It was a great day.
May 15, 2013. Sunnyvale, California. Today we celebrate Dave and everything he means to us. I can't imagine a better man for me nor a better dad for Hazel. We are thankful he is ours forever.
May 11, 2013. San Jose, California. In celebration of getting the first coat of paint on an old set of patio furniture I found, we strung some lights and had friends over. All that tedious painting was totally worth it.
May 10. 2013. San Jose, California. One of Hazel's favorite things at the park is the swing. We are lucky to have a tree in our backyard that is suitable for a Hazel's birthday present, a half-bucket swing, came three months early this year. Lucky her! When she remembers that it's there she runs into the house, grabs my index finger and pulls me outside to put her in it and give her a push...or two...or three...or forty...
May 9, 2013. San Jose, California. So cute in pigtails; Hazel and I went to Music Makers this morning. A class put on by neighboring mothers involving drums, rattles, a parachute, marching, stopping, dancing, freezing, clapping, singing, etc. Of course, she loved it and kept asking for "Mas, mas!"
May 8, 2013. San Jose, California. It was a busy evening followed by a busy morning because I hosted Book Club today. Finally a break--and I can put my feet up.
May 7, 2013. San Jose, California. I taught the lesson in my Relief Society on Sunday, drawing from President Henry B. Eyring's talk given in the general relief society broadcast last fall, "The Caregiver."It blesses my life in miraculous ways being given the opportunity to serve in this incredible Society of Caregivers. The most precious moments of my life have come while in the service of others.
May 4, 2013. San Jose, California. I am in the process of furnishing and beautifying our backyard patio. This morning I potted our planter with Asiatic Lilies and Alyssums. So pretty! I haven't been known for a green I hope these last.
May 2, 2013. San Jose, California. I have no doubt that angels are watching over us. Yesterday morning a portion of our back fence collapsed when Hazel touched it. It scared her a good deal, but she came away without a scratch; like an angel moved her just out of the way.
May 1, 2013. San Jose, California. Sometimes when Hazel puts things in cute places I leave them there for a couple of days because whenever I see it, it makes me smile.