September 28, 2013. San Jose, California.'s good to be home again. Hazel missed her daddy (he flew back Monday morning because somebody needs to work to support this family!)
September 27, 2013. South Jordan, Utah. We only got a day with the Wood grandparents...but so glad we were able to squeeze in a visit with Great Grandma Mari Lou.
September 26, 3013. Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake City, Utah. You gotta love this...she cried the entire time we were there. Ready for home perhaps?
September 25, 2013. Provo, Utah. My sister Tracee is one incredible girl. Your mission will create and give you stories to reflect upon for the rest of your life. Be sure to record them. My favorite story so far is this: Tracee said that she has always known and felt her Heavenly Father's love for her, but in the moments of deciding whether or not to serve a mission she was overcome with the realization of how much she loves him back.
September 23, 2013. Wendell, Idaho. A little calm after the storm of family that came to support my sister, Tracee, for her mission farewell address. (She's going to serve for 18 months in Mesa, Arizona)
September 21, 2013. Petit Lake, Sawtooth City, Idaho. One day I would love to own a cabin on the shore of Petit of the most awe-inspiring places I've ever been. Until next time Sawtooth City...
September 20, 2013. Alturas Lake, Sawtooth City, Idaho. There are pictures of me the same age as Hazel playing on this same mountain beach. We had the entire lake to ourselves. It was awesome.
September 19, 2013. Sawtooth City, Idaho. We are headed to the airport so that we can be surrounded by family and have this as our backyard for the next several days.
September 18, 2013. San Jose, California. Dave, Hazel and I would like to sincerely thank each of our friends and family who have supported and assisted us throughout the last month and our IVT Experiment. We could not have done it without you. Unfortunately we will not have a baby to show for our efforts this time around. Perhaps in the future we will get our courage up enough to try again. Meanwhile, our lives are very full and we have much to be grateful for.
September 17, 2013. Sunnyvale, California. One of my favorite things to do with Hazel during the week is a class called Music Makers. We went a couple times last year and she mostly just watched the other kids participate. But this year she REALLY gets it; and LOVES to participate! I love watching her dance and make music and interact with the other kids.
September 16, 2013. San Jose, California. Hazel and I went for a long walk Sunday evening. I love giving her freedom to walk and run and act and explore according to her own desires. So much of her life is dictated by what Mom and Dad's nice to experience what Hazel wants too.
September 14, 2013. Oakland, California. I was supposed to host a baby shower today. I've been an emotional wreck, so fortunately for me the baby was born 3-1/2 weeks early and we've had to postpone the shower. I did go to the Oakland temple though--a refuge from the world.
September 12, 2013. San Jose, California. Today we found out that our experiment with in vitro fertilization did not result in a pregnancy. Days don't get much more difficult than this.
September 10, 2013. San Jose, California. Remember my project of creating hand-stamped cards for Craft Day?'s the finished project. I love the tone-on-tone set, but I know lots of my friends like the white set. I achieved this look using watercolor crayons and these stamps.