February 7, 2012. San Jose, California. "They" say sleep training only takes 3 nights...but our experience has been more like 3 weeks. Days 1-3 we weaned her off her overnight bottles. Days 4-6 we weaned ourselves off of responding to every little cry. Days 7-9 she slept 11-12 hours straight (something I didn't know was possible). Days 10-12 were hit and miss; maybe she'd wake up maybe she wouldn't. Day 13 she woke up every two hours (is she teething? is she cold?). Last night, Day 14 she slept 12 hours straight. Hopefully by the end of this week we will have had a miraculous week of continuous nighttime sleep--just in time to travel to Utah/Idaho and throw everything off again. (Parenting...perhaps there's no such thing as figuring it out.)
1 week ago
I think your right, I don't know if we will ever figure it out. My almost two year old has good nights for a while and throws in a bad one every now and again! It's just LIFE:)