Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Snapshot #690: 15 Month Check-up

November 7, 2012.  San Jose, California.  Hazel's 15-Month Update:  She weighs 22.7 pounds (50th percentile).  Her height is ?? inches (80th percentile).  Her hair color is blonde; her eyes are a blueish-gray.  She can say Mommy, Bubby (Daddy...I think), Meow, Whoof, ee-ee-oo-oo (monkey sounds) and baby.  She can whistle.  She does sign-language for "Ya No" (All Done), "Daddy", "Mas" (More Food), and"Donde" (Where).  She understands most of what we say and she obeys commands.  Her bedtime is 8:00.  She consistently sleeps 11-12 hours through the night.  She has been walking for five months and has started to run.  She is semi-attached to a binky and a pink lovey.  
And she brings us Immense Joy! 

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