April 13, 2015. Vancouver, Washington. Having exhausted our 'natural' options with no success of labor, we chose to come in for induction on Saturday afternoon rather than wait until Monday night. I was 41 weeks, 0 dilated and experiencing no braxton hicks contractions. After two misoprostol tablets I was dilated to 4 cm and in hard labor by 3AM. I hit 9 cm before noon and everyone was setting up and preparing for Baby's arrival. I then labored at 9 cm for the next 9 hours; my cervix refused to move completely out of the way. By 5PM after 14 hours of hard labor I accepted an epidural to see if being more relaxed would move things along. By 6:30PM I accepted pitocin to make the contractions stronger. Nothing got me past 9 cm. By 9PM I was vomiting, had spiked a fever, Baby's heart rate started to rise, her skull bones were starting to overlap due to inadequate room and infection had begun--so she was born via c-section at 9:32 PM on Sunday, April 12th: 9lbs 3 oz, 22-1/4" long with a head circumference of 15". I always said I wanted the birth experience and well, I got it. Natural labor to epidural then c-section and now I get to recover from all three at once. Haha. We're just happy to have another beautiful baby girl.