Monday, June 7, 2010

He Works Hard For His Money

Today Dave starts his internship at Cisco.  He's not exactly sure what he's going to be doing...a rotational program in the Capitol group of Corporate Finance...but what is that exactly?  Hopefully we'll know soon...we've given up a lot in order to be here. 

Probably since the day we met, I've been giving Dave a hard time about still not knowing what he "wants to be when he grows up."  An unfair expectation from someone who takes for granted that she's always been very passionate about her career well as unable to bring in a salary quite as cushy as her husband's.  Nevertheless, since Dave has failed to produce an answer to satisfy my demand, I have made it sort of my personal qwest to help my husband find an occupation that he just can't live without.  But just the other day, I had an "Ah-Hah" moment when my own brother (who has also sacrificed much to go back to school) said, "I don't really care what I do, so long as I sort-of like it, and I make lots of money." 

Well Boys, "Touche, Touche." Today it's Hats Off to Dave, to my brother, and to all those who work extremely hard for their money.

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