Sunday, September 30, 2012

Snapshot #656: Hazel's 12-Month Photo Shoot

September 30, 2012.  Sunnyvale, California.  Looking back over our last year together, the blessing that Hazel is in my life is unmeasurable.  Technically, these photos were taken closer to Hazel's 13 month mark, but since I won't be doing official photo shoots on a monthly basis any more we'll call this her Year Photos.  She was mostly miserable throughout the whole ordeal.  She wasn't feeling well, hadn't eaten much all day (see why) and wasn't really in the mood to sit and smile.  She hung in there though. 


  1. Oh, no WONDER she was such a little stinker that night! Poor thing!! I will update some of those photos and send you them again, but I'm glad that you like so many of them!!!

    That Hazel is such a cute girl!

  2. I'm so glad you updated! I have been wondering how you were doing:) Your little Hazel is beautiful!

  3. Thanks for your support! The more behind I get the harder it is to get going again...but I finally did it.

    And here's a shout out for Jen...Thanks for taking Hazel's photos!!! You can 'practice' shoot on us any time.


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