Thursday, December 15, 2011

Snapshot #438: Lemon Tree

December 15, 2011.  San Jose, California.  One of the joys of California is the fruit trees.  I love that my backyard has a lemon tree.  (There is also an orange tree, but it got trimmed back so far that it currently does not bear any fruit)


  1. Those smell so good when they are in bloom! As a child in Pomona, CA we could smell the orange and lemon trees in bloom sitting in my school room.

  2. That is so amazing that you have a lemon tree in your back yard!!! I am incredibly jealous!! All the life around here is now dead :(. BTW Hazel is so gorgeous. You two are so blessed. I would love to see her in person. Also, Joel and I just watched an Arabic film called Lemon Tree about a lemon grove and their involvement in the Arab/Israeli conflict!


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